Thursday, March 24, 2011

Preparing for a BookSale

Only a few weeks away, the Tiny Seeds Co-op will be sponsoring a Homeschool Used Book, Curriculum, and Supplies Sale. Are you ready? Here are 10 helpful steps to getting your items together and put into the sale to make you money.

1. Review the information
Look over the information flyers to inspire your clean-out and remind yourself of items that would be appropriate to put into the sale.  Remember to think outside of the box-art supplies, planners, organization tools, calculators, maps, office furniture, etc...they are all items to consider to put in the sale alongside of your books and curriculum. Need a copy of the flyer? Click here. We will email a copy to you!

2. Find a spot.
Find an out-of-the-way place to store your sale items until the drop-off day. A corner in the mud room, garage, shed, bedroom, entry...whatever is convenient as long as you have a designated place to stock pile your goodies and keep you focused!

3. Think in 4s-
leave it (not going to sell, can't do without this!)
maybe (like it, may work later for us, not really sure)
sell it (not using it, didn't work for us, needs to go)
donate it (not using it, don't need to sell it, want to bless someone else with it)

The "leave it" items just get put back where you keep them. The "maybe" items get set aside while you work through the rest of the space. The "sell it" and "donate it" items get taken away, right away, and put into your sale spot you set up in step 2.

4. Go through your most accessible materials.
Start with one shelf at a time, one box at a time, or one drawer at a time of the materials that are most accessible to you right now. Set a timer and work in 30 min increments if you need to in order to keep from being overwhelmed.

5. Tackle your stored items.
This one is tricky since some of these items may be like old friends you are reuniting with. Remember though, if you aren't using it, it may be time to get rid of it. Are you really going to use it for another child, or are you just keeping clutter around? If you keep things that don't work for your family, you are taking up valuable space for things that could!! Work within reasonable time frames so you don't become overwhelmed at the task ahead. Set the timer again if you need to.

6. Review.
Go back through those maybe items you set aside earlier. If you still aren't sure, it may be just something to keep for now. Sometimes after cleaning out everything else, it becomes clearer what these "maybe" items are, whether it be to sell or keep. If you are going to keep it, put it back where it belongs. If you've decided to sell, place it in your spot from step 2.

7. Research.
Get an idea of what these items now organized in your sale spot are being sold for in other venues. What could you expect to get for it on ebay? on at a yard sale?

8. Price to sell!
We know how much money you've invested over the years into your materials, but remember  to ask yourself honestly what condition it is in now and how much is the item in demand. Is this is a used item, an old edition, a brand new item? Price according to your research and remember the families that are buying these items are looking to save money just as much as you are looking to make it.  Tag each item as you go with the asking price and your initials. Also, remember to clean up the item. Dust it off, wipe it down, erase stray pencil marks, etc to get the price you want. Write all your items down on a master list as you go. Don't forget to make a donation pile if you have such items!

9. Arrange for drop off.
If your spot from step 2 is taking over the house, or really in your way, contact us and we will arrange a drop off time for you sooner than Tuesday the 26th. Otherwise, just drop us an email to let us know you will have items for the sale and will drop off either on the 26th or the 29th. This will ensure we have adequate tables set up.

10. Keep a box handy.
If you get all of this finished a week or more before the sale, keep an empty box handy. Use this box to place any items you may discover between now and the sale that you originally overlooked. Place your price tags, pen, and a copy of your master list in this box to keep handy and keep you without excuses!

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